
love your fate

i was reading swirly's '5 things' post yesterday and was immediatley interested in the love your fate link. i'd never thought of life in that way. it seems a bit negative - my fate - but this post really interested me, probably because it's content was very close to home. anyway, i had a half finished canvas and knew this one should bear that title as a reminder to me (i need lots of these all around me atm) to be positive, look forward and love my life (or my fate, whichever you'd prefer). this was the outcome. thanks for stopping by and have a great long weekend (if you're in oz that is) X Me

1 comment:

  1. She's very gorgeous Don (looked even more so in real life!) and that's a great message to look at every day....

    Thanks for coffee and yummy cake this arvo. Must do it more often.

    Yona x
