this is me with 4 eyes and 4 cheeks and one extremely overweight ear!!!
a lovely little package arrived in the mail for me today - something i've been waiting for for about two weeks... are you familiar with amanda blake soule? aka
soulmama ... she has a new book out called
handmade home with some gorgeous ideas on how to repurpose old materials into lovely new family treasures. i definitely want to make a word banner, art tray, letter satchel and a silky eye pillow! ahhh... so much to do, so little time. i definitely feel the calling of my sewing machine, it really has been a while.
a few weeks ago i received my order of supplies from dickblick in the states (i love this store - it seems to stock everything!). as it turned out, it was only $20 more expensive to order from the US rather than Sydney - and i had a lot more choices in size (claybords). at the same time i also purchased the claudine hellmuth paints, brushes, gel medium and sticky back canvas. the paints are absolutely lucious - i really am enjoying the new palette - alot! but the sticky back canvas had me stumped and has been sitting on my table in the studio staring at me now daily... until i had an idea (yes i know it doesn't happen too often!)
apparently this is me and Miss M's dad, and the two little ghosties are Miss M and Mr T!!! i think she got the idea from some of the ads and displays at spotlight of Halloween things!
recently my little girl of 3 has been creating the most gorgeous drawings. i'm aware that i can't keep every single one, but have been scanning them into my computer to keep forever. in her two books, soule mama has many projects to turn children's art into keepsakes, and after reading her idea on a table runner displaying artworks, i wondered if i could use my photo software to print out one of my dd's pictures onto claudine's canvas. so i tried it, and it worked!!!
so now, i can simply stick it to the table runner and sew around it to make a centre piece of DD's art work! stay tuned for the final chapter. like i said - i have to get the sewing machine out!
this is my Miss M - a self portrait with lots of legs and lots of cheeks!!! (you need them when you smile alot)
x me